Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's in a name?

Where do you begin choosing a name for your baby?  This is a question most parents have when the time comes to bestow a moniker on a wee one.

There are so many factors involved in the choice........

Does it sound good with our last name?

What middle name do we want?

Do the first, middle and last name flow well?

Is it easy to say or will people constantly mispronounce it?

Yes it's a pretty name but, do I really want my kid to be named _____?

How many ways can the mean kids make fun of the name?

Will he/she hate me forever or will they want  to change their name to Ochocinco?

 Then there are some people who know the instant they are pregnant what they will name there child. My hubby and I are not those people.   We have already started thinking about this and have a list of names we like, but nothing that is standing out screaming "this is the name to choose!" Well this is true for me anyway, I think he has his mind wrapped around one in particular.   

With our first child we narrowed it down to 2 we liked and waited to meet him.  We knew almost instantly that he would be Carter.   Over the last few weeks I have seen several names that caught my interest and I would point them out to Peter to  see what he thought.  Nothing has really stuck. 

We still time to debate and decide.  If anyone has any suggestions feel free.